Why Join MelindasPenpals.com?

There are hundreds of Asian and Filipina dating sites. Type in the search terms Filipina dating, Filipina personals, Asian penpals or countless others and you will see plenty of choices. Some are pay sites, some are free, and other give you limited free functions and upgrading will cost you money. So it may seem like just a matter of trial and error. In some respects it is trial and error, but you can make fewer errors and waste less time if you spend a few minutes reviewing each site.

1) We have been around since 2004. We have watched hundreds of Filipina sites come and go but we are still here. The reason we are is because we enjoy seeing couples find each other.

2) Every members here is required to have one personal picture. This is important but the reasons might not be so obvious. Most sites push the number of their member base and not the quality of profiles. To me there is nothing worse than sorting through pictureless profiles.

What a waste of time. Most Filipina sites make the strategic decision to allow members without pictures because they get more traffic. Pay sites will gladly take a paying customer with a blank profile. Why should they care? Once you pay for the membership the deal is done.

At MelindasPenpals.com we have made the strategic decision to deny and delete pictureless profiles. In my mind this is important for two reasons. First, it is a more pleasant experience for you. Every profile you look at will have an image to go along with it. Second, the picture requirement weeds out many that are just here for games, or have something to hide. Either way, it is one less potential problem or time waster we have to deal with. While some have complained to me that it is a matter of privacy, I just don't buy the argument. If someone is too private to share their picture then I think they need to stick with traditional in person dating.

3) We are by no means the biggest Filipina dating site but we are also not the smallest. We have been around long enough to attract new members but we are not so big that we get flooded with daily registrations. This is actually just where we want to be. I am able to keep things under control with just a little help, while if we were huge I would need a paid staff. This brings us to the fourth reason.

4) We are 100% free and this will never change. With the economy sucking, and scammers flooding the Internet, being free is a good thing. Whenever you decide to walk away from this site you never have to feel like we short changed you. There is no reason you cannot find a decent friend or partner here if you are willing to spend the time and effort to make it happen. The only function we limit sometimes is chat for men when our server resources are strained.

Yes we do accept donations and you can see the link on the home page. However, we will never hound anyone to donate to us. We appreciate all donations but regardless everyone is treated the same here.

5) We do screen for spammers and hustlers. We review every single registration before the person is given full access. I am not going to go into how we screen but what I do know is we stop 99% of all spammers before they access anything. Hustlers are another story. We are able to screen a lot of them out but if one is brought to our attention we take quick action to remove them. Remember, there are two types of Hustlers. Money scammers and liars. We all know what a money scammer is but a liar is not so obvious. Liars usually pretend to be single and available when in fact they are not. We cannot screen all these people out and any site that claims they can is blowing smoke. It is impossible.

Number One Rule - Never send money to someone you have not met in person. If you do so then please do not complain when you find out you were scammed. As simple as this rule should be to follow many people just cannot help themselves.

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