Email v/s postal letters to contact your Filipina penpal

Filipina penpals with email are now 95% of the NEW Filipina ladies we are listing. Since our advertising has changed to internet only, almost all of the Filipina penpals signing up with us have email. In the beginning we received a lot of applications from Filipina without email. All that has changed now. We still get the occasional mail in application from a Filipina with only a home address, but it does not happen often.

I think it is great that Filipina penpals with email are signing up. But I miss all of those Asian ladies that cannot make it to the internet cafe. Trying to sign up Filipina penpals through the standard mail in application is difficult. Some weeks you do not get any applications. Guys also seem to prefer sending email to Filipina ladies. I still believe the best from of communication is postal mail. Filipina penpals will receive your postal letters 99% of the time, while email is more unreliable. Many Philippine ladies let their
email accounts laps because they do not get back to the cafe.

Sometimes they just cannot afford to go back. Also, consider your first impression. Do you want it to be an electronic message or a hand written letter? She will appreciate having something to show family and friends. I have had so many emails from guy members saying that the Filipina lady of their dreams is not responding to email. They want me to do something about it. When I ask if he sent a postal letter 99 % of the time the answer is no. I feel like I am beating a dead horse sometimes. If you are not willing to pay a
$1 to send a letter air mail then how will you ever afford the trip to go see her? Instant communication may be instant for a guy in the USA, but to a Filipina she might get your postal letter quicker.Just something to chew on!

I still miss that feeling I use to have whenever I would see one of Melinda's letters in my mail box. When we were penpals during 1997 and 1998, receiving one of her letters from the Philippines would put me in the greatest mood for days. To know that she took the time to sit down and write "me" one of her poetic letters.

It made me feel good about myself. This beautiful Filipina lady from 10,000 miles actually loved me. Her letters expressed her love for me more and more with each passing month. I cannot fully explain it, but there is something about a written letter that touches a person unlike any email. Guys, please send some postal letters to the Filipina ladies. Also, if you pass on a lady just because she does not have email it is a mistake! Having said this, we each make our own choices and I wish you the best.

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