Asian Brides and the Mail Order Bride Terminology

The mail order bride term is very outdated.  However, some dating sites and a small segment of the population refuse to let it go. It amazes me that a Filipina penpal posting her picture and profile is labeled an Asian mail order bride.  We have Filipina college grads, administrators, nurses, teachers, government workers, and a host of other Asian ladies signing up to be penpals on our website . Are these Filipina ladies considered Asian mail order brides because they are seeking men from abroad?  Is it because they come from a poor country like the Philippines?  The truth is, people with a brain in their head see past this crap. They realize that if a Filipina wants a better life with more opportunities then more power to her!  These ladies normally turn out to be very hard workers, devoted wives, and great mothers to their children.  Many men love and respect these qualities in a women.  That is why they travel across the world to meet them and fall in love.  Why else would you travel 10,000 miles for a date? 

Are ladies that post pictures on Yahoo Personals mail order brides? What about AOL's personals? Of course not. Do these ladies have more brain power that a Filipina? Absolutely Not. Referring to a Filipina as a mail order bride is an insult to her. Being from a third world country like the Philippines does not give peopel the right to pre judge these ladies. The people that throw around a term like mail order bride are normally overweight single females in the western world. Or we are talking about miserable in general that feel the need to belittle others. I get email from these idiots frequently. I am amazed at their anger and lack of any knowledge on the subject.

The mail order bride term is also kept alive by the Philippine government, as they try to pressure young talented Filipina ladies into staying in country. The truth is that the Philippines loses many talented Filipina ladies every year to marriages abroad. The government would like for it to stop. Filipina ladies are smart though, and now with the internet in high gear this phenomenon will continue. What will stop it? Good paying jobs and a chance at a decent life. It is that simple. Until that happens, many Filipina penpals will continue to find love and marriage in places other than the Philippines.

I understand that mail order bride is a term that is not going to die anytime soon. The fact remains that it is insulting and derogatory. Penpal or penpals is more appropriate and shows a certain amount of respect that Filipina ladies deserve.

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