Filipina Private Investigators - My Thoughts

If you found this page there is a good chance you are having second thoughts about your Filipina online girlfriend. You are starting to question whether she is your soul mate or someone playing you for a fool. Maybe you have sent this Filipina a significant amount of money. It is also possible you searched her profile names on Google and found her on other Filipina dating sites. Or maybe you have caught her red handed forming other relationships online.

One of two things is happening right now. 1) You are very insecure and controlling. 2) She is bad news. If number one is true no one can help you. This is just a symptom of something that you need to find appropriate ways to deal with. If the number two is true this leaves you with a couple of options. You can walk away now or hire a Filipina private investigator to follow this Filipina around. How long it will take and the cost involved varies greatly.

For all the normal guys that are not "control freaks" this is my best advice. Relationships with ladies in the same general area are hard enough to deal with. Relationships with women overseas are ten times more difficult during the courtship period. If you are having serious doubts about a Filipina there is a reason. Your gut is telling you something and you need to listen.

RED FLAGS - She talks about how poor her country is too often. She is asking for money. She needs fees for books or college tuition. She seems to be carrying on multiple text conversations at once. She accidentally sent you a "loving" text message that was
meant for someone else. She has sent you emails or text messages and called you by the wrong name. She disappears for long periods of time and has no good excuse. She doesn't have a
job but spends 8 or 10 hours a day at the Internet Café. Men sometimes answer her cell phone and they do not seem thrilled to hear from you.

IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON BROTHER! - The key here is to stop wasting time with Filipinas that do things similar to what is mentioned above. You are spinning your wheels. She is playing
you for a fool. To her you are just another young buck about to learn a lesson in hard knocks. You might also be a middle aged guy that let your desire to be loved cloud your judgement.


Best case scenario - You pay an investigator and find out she is married or a lady boy. Or, she lives with some guy and has 3 kids. OK great, now you have wasted more money and found out your suspicions were correct.

Worst case scenario - They find nothing at all. Why? Because that does not solve your trust problems. It does not guarantee the Filipina you love wants to be your life long partner. If you are 45 and she is 22 it does not solve your huge age gap problem. You might still be traded in later for a newer model. The only thing you know is the investigator claims
to have found "nothing". That is all you really know my friend. You still need to rely on your own instincts, which will either tell you it is not worth it or cause you to waste more time and money.

ALL HOPE IS NOT LOST - The good news is that you can move on. Believe it or not, there are millions of Filipinas that are honest and kind. They will give their heart to a guy that knows how to treat a lady. They will be great partners, friends, lovers, and most of all
they will stick by you for a lifetime. When everyone else has left you for dead she will still be with you.

BE SMART - Here are a few tips. 1) Stay away from bad Filipina sites (many are bad - some are downright evil) because scammers love them. 2) Don't "meet" new Filipina ladies on Yahoo! Messenger or in chat rooms. 3) If you are middle aged guy stick with ladies closing in on 30 and older. 4) Don't ever send money to Filipina ladies you have not met in person, unless it is reimbursement for time in cafés which is directly related to your relationship. 5) Don't join websites that are "obsessed" with talking about scammers. Don't become twisted because of one bad experience. 6) Join a community or networking site like ours where people talk and exchange ideas.

WHY LISTEN TO ME? - I honestly don't care if you listen to me. I put the information out there and it is yours to reject or not. I am just a 40 something webmaster that has been married to a Filipina for 11 years. I have only been running a Filipina dating site for 5 years. I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly play out over and over again. The actors will come and go, the tactics will change a little, but the "games" will continue. Whether you choose to "play" is up to you.

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