Visa Tips

There are four very important things to remember when trying to get your wife or fiancée from the Philippines to the United States on a K-1 or K-3 Visa. I cannot express how important these things are, but if you fail to do them you will experience long delays that could put an end to your relationship before your Filipina lady ever leaves the country. Remember, immigration could care less how much you are in love and they are not going to hold your hand and help you.

First, document every single contact you have with your Filipina lady. Copy your email's, letters, phone bills (with phone cards you cannot do this), instant message exchanges and anything else that establishes your relationship to this lady. When you go see your Filipina you also need to keep copies of your plane ticket, hotel receipts, pictures of the two of you together, pictures with you and her family and anything else that shows the two of you as a couple.

Second, do not lie on your petition and your fiancée better not lie on her end either. If you think you can fool immigration then remember that you are risking everything. If the the sleeping giant notices something strange on your application, or something does not smell right, they can flag your application and effectively end your dreams in a heart beat. There are many people that try and fool immigration and most of them end up regretting it later.

Third, when filing the petition to bring your fiancée or wife to your country follow instructions exactly. While I can only give you my experience as an American, I am sure following instructions is important no matter what country you are from. Do not just assume anything when completing your paperwork. Do not leave answers to questions blank. Do not guess. If you are not sure if you need to send a certain document, then send it anyway. If Immigration does not need the document they will dispose of it or send it back. If you feel like you just cannot do it alone then you will need to find a good immigration attorney to make sure things are done right.

Fourth, expect your fiancée or wife to run into problems when she is getting the necessary documentation from her own government to process your petition. You think are government is hard to deal with, it is nothing compared to the Philippines government.

The key to her making it through the process is for you to be understanding, supportive and PATIENT. If you start barking at her or accusing her of not trying then you will probably regret it later. If possible, have her take a friend or relative with her for support as she processes the needed paperwork for the interview she will have later.

For more specific tips, contact our recommended visa agency, Filipino Visa.

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