Jocelyn - MelindasPenpals Story

Hi. My name is Joceyln. I told my story to the owners of Melinda's Pen Pals and they asked if I would write this article. I never join a dating site before or write an article so please understand I did my best.
I joined this Filipina dating site December 2004. I was excited to join and thought I could find my dream guy here. I filled up the application and sent my picture for posting. It took a couple weeks but I got some emails from a few guys. I was surprised because the guys did not say anything about themselves and just wrote a few lines. Sometimes they would call me "baby" or "Filipina girl" and not even use my name. One guy even ask me about sex in his first letter. I didn't understand why they do not try to tell me about themselves or act rude. I wrote a whole profile for them to see first and thought they could write something better. I did not write them back because it seem they don't care.

I then get more of these same kind of emails from different guys and I wondered if maybe it was a mistake to join a dating website. I though guys would be serious like me and want a lover and spouse but I think they were just playing games. Or maybe they think since I am poor they do not need to put out effort because I would be happy to find a American that has a better life than me. Well, maybe the Philippines is a poor country but I still have pride and work hard and expect to be treated like a lady.

Well, then one day I got an email from Nick. It was like 3 months after I join. His letter was very long and he told me all about himself and his family. He told me why he joined this Asian dating site, and he asked if there was anyway we could be friends. He also sent me his picture with his dog and another picture with his mother. It was so nice to see there was a sincere guys that make an effort for me. It made me feel like maybe I made the right choice be joining this website.

Now I am engaged to Nick. He came to see me after 5 months of writing and talking on the telephone and it only take 5 minutes to know we were in love. We are getting married January 2006. We already made all of the plans at my home town and Nick will be back in my arms soon. I am only 22 but I know i am ready for marriage. I also know Nick will be my only lover in life because he is everything I want and he completes me.
Well Steve and Melinda, I cannot thank you enough for your website and it has changed my life forever. When I see your pictures together I know someday I will be with my husband in the USA and have a family like you. My family is also happy for me even though I will miss them every day. Nick promise me we will come back and visit so everything will be fine. Sincerely, Jocelyn (11/20/05)

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